Looking back to look forward
This time last year Efficient Power Solutions was taking a bit of a step into the unknown. We had rebranded, with a new name, new personnel and new ideas. One year on, all I can say is that it’s been a great ride, with lots to cover and many new clients to talk to. What have we learnt? Quite simply, that things aren’t always as they seem on the surface. What do we mean by this? In a nutshell, when you walk onto a client’s site, no matter what you think you know, and they think they know, it’s unlikely to be completely the case.
What will this year bring?
Not only have we delivered on our promises for last year, helping clients with some fairly complex projects, we’ve been able to put together several packages that will be delivered in the next few months. We set out by trying not to be bound by a list of products, getting away from a ‘one size fits all’ approach. We’ve entered into several fruitful partnerships, not only with technology providers, but also with some very knowledgeable people in their own field. We’ve been able to strengthen the team that we have around us and we are now able to provide a level of expertise that is able to challenge many of the larger consultancies out there. The big difference remains though, ours is a consultancy that can ‘do’ rather than one that just presents ideas.
Happy New Year
Whether you’re looking to reduce your energy consumption, reduce your dependence on external providers or take advantage of the favourable self generation incentives, please speak to us at Efficient Power Solutions before you put pen to paper. Our fresh approach might just be the one you’re looking for.