VOICE publishes Voltage Optimisation Buyers’ guide - Efficient Power SolutionsEfficient Power Solutions

VOICE publishes Voltage Optimisation Buyers’ guide

VOICE publishes Voltage Optimisation Buyers’ guide
The Voltage Optimisation Industry has suffered a sharp decline in popularity in the UK. Savings are often short of those that were predicted, leaving many to conclude that ‘VO doesn’t work”. The
reality is that savings can be achieved by carefully reducing input voltage – the issues are linked
with those that sell VO and they must now work together and agree to work together in establishing
a new set of industry guidelines.

In response to a call to action by the Energy Managers Association, VOICE was formed in 2014 with the
support of the majority of VO manufacturers/suppliers agreeing to sign up to a Code of Conduct that would
provide consumers with increased level of confidence in the proposals that were being put forward by VOICE

This Buyers Guide is the first in a suite of supporting VOICE documents that will help to improve the
understanding of VO and what can be achieved through its correct use.

As part of it’s work, VOICE will also address any information that is made publicly available that the members
believe is damaging to the industry and they will actively pursue independent testing.

Download the VOICE Buyers’ Guide
