What is eVSD? - Efficient Power SolutionsEfficient Power Solutions

What is eVSD?


What is eVSD?

Efficient Power Solutions’ Variable Speed Drives (eVSD’s) save money when linked to all AC Induction motors, enabling their speed and torque to be matched to need rather than running at full speed all the time.

vsd4Our range of the very latest intelligent eVSD’s offer great value for money, deliver massive savings against being run at full speed all the time.

They also offer savings as most motors are over specified and our eVSD range will mean they run at more appropriate speed and torque – saving you lots of money.

No AC motor should be running without an eVSD drive…
Simple and effective our eVSD’s can be fitted in 1,000’s of applications, and offer payback often within 6 months or so.

If your motors are uncontrolled you could be wasting energy, money and producing excess carbon emissions, simple and effective at reducing your energy costs and controlling your motors more economically the eVSD from e-fficient Energy can help.

Download our technical datasheet for more information, or contact us

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